Inform Us

Thank you for taking the time to report. We are making some changes to what we do with the information after we have received it. To help us get ready, from 8th April 2024, we have 'turned off' the 'yes/no' function that asks you if you want an investigation (or if the incident is for information only). Instead, the Nursing and Quality Team and the Contract Team will review and decide if an investigation should be requested.


For your awareness, and in the interests of being open/transparent, ALL patient safety intelligence received is shared with the provider it relates to in the form of a monthly report.

The purpose of sharing all intelligence is to ensure providers are aware and enable them to learn from each piece of vital intel rather than the ICB holding the information.

Therefore, information reported/shared with us must be both factual, free of opinion and clearly detail what occurred and what actions have been taken/recorded. If the incident has resulted in an action of informing the police or safeguarding, for example, then this should be included in the 'immediate action' field - it's an action you have had to take as part of the occurrence.

When completing your submission we request that you DO NOT include any of the following:

  • Patient names - please refer to patient/service user as P or patient/service user X.
  • Similarly, please refer to family as son, daughter, sister, brother.
  • Employees names - please DO NOT refer to employees by their name but refer to HCA, Carer A or Carer B, GP A or GP B, Nurse A or Nurse B.

Anyone who feels that they have informative intelligence relating directly or indirectly to the quality of care being provided to a resident of North East Lincolnshire or to their care pathway should take responsibility for sharing that intelligence - good or bad. Likewise, if you know of something that relates to the sustainability of a particular provider, or you know that something is not being commissioned properly, we would like to be informed.

All information received will be uploaded to a central database, which will be used to alert commissioners and contract managers to any potential risks/practices in the care system. These risks will then be fed into the appropriate contract/performance monitoring process; this information will also be considered alongside other sources of intelligence, i.e. safeguarding, Datix, performance records and discussion/agreement of any appropriate action will then be undertaken. Please note that details of the reporter/their organisation will NOT be shared outside of NELICB.

Please enter 1111111111 if not applicable.